The first thing I stumbled upon when I Googled about Design and Content :
“Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not Design. It’s decoration.” — Jeffrey Zeldman
Content is of utmost importance to provide a better experience for the users who are consuming it online or offline. Users love to consume good content that adds value to their lives. Good content is like a good recipe dish that people will stand in the queue and wait for their turns to enter the restaurant to consume it.
Content for brand
In today’s fast-paced world it’s very difficult to grab eyeballs of users online. They flip through web pages/posts really fast. If the content is not good then forget it as it will not even take microsecond for them to move on to the next post/page online. Consistency in good content is as important as establishing a brand value. It takes a huge effort to establish a brand that builds over a period of time on a consistent source of good content and design.
Design succeed content
The design depends on content for its existence. Content is like a fuel to Design. Without the fuel, a vehicle can’t even run and merely parked in the garage or showroom to showcase or for decoration. Where good content can uplift a design in the same way a bad Design can also undermine the good content.
Design & Content
Both need to be together at their best to create the best of experiences for the users. The design should always look/ask for content wherever it thinks there are missing gaps to fill else you will only be seeing a decoration and not a pragmatic meaningful Design.
“Every great design begins with an even better story.”
– Lorinda Mamo, designer
For more blogs on content and branding — visit
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Views expressed in this article are my personal.